

Human error causes points displacement

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By Patrick Lujan

After a recount, The Father Duenas Friars had enough points to overtake the Guam High Panthers to win their ninth straight High School Boys Wrestling championship.

The Panthers were named champions after a long day at the All-Island Wrestling Meet on Saturday. However, a recount was conducted late that night with the league officials being informed the following morning.

A meeting was called for Tuesday evening where it was announced that points in the 126-lb. division was mistakenly given to Guam High instead of JFK. Hence, giving the Friars enough points to win the title.

The official points breakdown for the boys is as follows:

The 10 points for second place that should’ve gone to JFK’s Logan Gandaoli inadvertently was given to Guam High. This changed the Panthers’ score from 107 to 97 and the Islanders’ score from 38 to 48.

Meanwhile, FD had 98 points. With the adjustment, the Friars overtake the Panthers by one point for the title.


Two other important notes to share. Each team is limited to no more than two wrestlers in each division. Also, if both wrestlers are in position to earn points (1st through 4th place), only the higher score is counted and the second wrestler’s points do not reflect in the team overall points.

For instance, FD had both 106-lb. wrestlers take 2nd and 4th place, but only the 10 points for 2nd place was counted. Same as the 120-lb. division for Guam High where they took 2nd and 3rd place, but only 2nd place counted.


As mentioned in the championship post, the Notre Dame Royals captured their fourth straight girls title. Here’s the official points breakdown for the girls.

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