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Happy Thanksgiving from GSPN!

Some of the staff at GSPN wanted to wish the fans from all over the world a special Thanksgiving! GSPN has some of the greatest fans in the world and no amount of thanks can truly express how fortunate we are to have fans like all of you. Our reporters, photographers, and personnel wanted to share what we are most thankful for and what Thanksgiving means to us.

20131128_105717Robert Balajadia (Sports Director/Editor/Reporter): Thanksgiving is a unique holiday. It is a day where most people reflect on many things and give thanks to a higher power for the blessings they have received throughout the year and ask for continued blessings. Regardless of your religion or beliefs, everyone eventually has something to be thankful for. Being thankful is a universal feeling and sharing in that feeling makes everything in the world feel right, even for just a moment.

GSPN has a lot to be thankful for, especially for our fans, no matter who our fans are. If we didn’t have the constant clickers, Facebook frenzies, Twitter handlers, or die-hard GSPN fans, then what we do would not be significant.

The athletes that bust their bottom’s every night deserve the recognition from the media and they shouldn’t need to thank us at all, but a lot of them still do and we are grateful. Shout out to the athletes away from Guam and are missing some valuable family time and good eats!

When I think of Thanksgiving I think of spending time with my family. Being on Guam, you know that it doesn’t just mean the people in your house, it means the extended also! It’s that time of year where you come together, and even though you don’t say it out right, you are thankful you get to celebrate the holiday with the people closest to you.

Having just recently married, my wife Eileen and I are forever thankful for the support and guidance of our families, friends, and everyone involved in our lives. Tying the knot at a young age required an overwhelming amount of support from everyone, and we have received just that. Thank you all, words will never be able to give justice to how thankful we are!

Have a happy, safe, food and family/friends filled Thanksgiving everyone! In the end, you’ll realize that having everything you ever wanted means nothing without having the people you care most about there to share it with. Even though you thank God, don’t forget to thank those who take care of you when you’re sick, prepare your meals, cut your checks, provide services, and help you out in your everyday lives!

Thank you GSPN fans, you guys (and girls) are the greatest!

Jesse Castro by John Balbin

(photo by John Balbin)

Jesse Castro (Production Manager/Photographer): I’d like to thank all the GSPN fans for the kind words which help us keep going. GSPN is still a young company and without our fans we would be unable to continue covering as many games as we possibly can. Thank you for your support and I look forward to taking as many photos of our islands best athletes in the coming year.

A special Thank You to John Balbin for taking this picture of me on the job. May you have a blessed holiday season and a wonderful new year.

Lastly, I’d like to thank my wife. Rose you are my world thank you for allowing me to go outside and play photographer. 🙂

Happy Holidays,


IMG_3026Regina Shiroma (Reporter): It’s that time of year again when we take the time to really reflect on what we are thankful for. There are lots of things that I am thankful for like the beautiful sunsets we get to see everyday, my quite annoying, but loving brothers, the roof over my head and many other things that we sometimes take for granted. However, there are few that cannot go unmentioned:

I am most thankful my Savior Jesus Christ who is the reason for the upcoming holiday season! After running my life my way for a long time, I finally let Him take hold of it. My reasons for doing anything changed from being about myself to Jesus and because I put Him first above all else, I am at peace and I feel so blessed. I am forever grateful for the sacrifice He made for me.

In the the Bible it says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I am of course also thankful for the loving and unwavering support of my family.

I am thankful to my dear friend Jesse Fontanilla who is serving in the Armed Forces and as well as other servicemen and women, as they work to protect our freedom.

I am especially thankful to those gracious fans who hold their breath when we writers and photographers get in the way of your view of the game! I apologize in advance! But thank you for sacrificing your view of the game so that we can get the best view to better cover your kids, your family, your friends, or your favorite athlete.

Thank you GSPN fans for your facebook “likes” and your uplifting words of encouragement!

Happy Thanksgiving Guam!

IMG_3017Jesse Pinkston Santos (Reporter): First of all, thank you to each and every one of our loyal fans. Without you, we couldn’t make this website a success.

I am most thankful for God. He gave us everything on this beautiful Earth, including my amazing, loving husband, Derick. Thank you to my family and friends who have always supported me through thick and thin, raised me up when I was down and genuinely love me.  I am truly blessed.

My favorite Thanksgiving dish is marshmallow covered sweet potatoes and of course a nice juicy, succulent turkey!  Happy Thanksgiving!!!!



Niko-BulaonNiko Bulaon (Reporter): Thanksgiving is a time to be with loved ones to give thanks for all we have. So I would like to thank the many GSPN fans around the island. We appreciate your support through the years and for many more years to come. I would also like to thank you for helping us improve through your feedback and advice. I hope you all have a safe and blessed day with family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!



Joe Perez (Photographer): Thanksgiving was a day of celebration dating back to 1621. The Pilgrims were giving thanks for a great harvest season. Now a days many people celebrate Thanksgiving for a variety of reasons. I was never asked what I was thankful for, so many answers could be given and it made me wonder is there even a correct answer?

First and foremost I am thankful to our god to be able to still see, hear, touch, smell and taste the world that we live in. Thankful that to every hooligan that exists there is a scholar. To every darkness there is light, to every sad story there is a happy ending.

My other half as she is so labeled by others. My off springs, even the two year old poke you in the eye alarm clock son. I am thankful not just on this Thanksgiving of days but everyday.

Have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your families.

IMG_20131126_140746-1Michael Cruz (Reporter): I want to thank the fans and sponsors of GSPN for supporting us. I’m thankful for god’s blessings, family, and good health. I will share my Thanksgiving story from 1995. I moved to Texas from Guam to attend The University of Texas at San Antonio. I did not know anyone from Guam at the time.

I remember being alone at the apartment student lounge on Thanksgiving. I ate a turkey pot pie and drank soda that day. It was awesome though because I watched my first Texas vs Texas A&M football rivalry game that day. I’m not so lonely anymore with friends, family, and sports to share with every Thanksgiving now. Go Allen Eagles lets win State!

Kolby Chang (Reporter): Thank you for everyone who has supported GSPN. This thanksgiving and every thanksgiving I’m thankful for family, friends and being able to call this island my home.

Have a great holiday Guam sports fans!

Joey BlasJoey Blas (Photographer): Thanksgiving is an expression of THANKS and GIVING. It is a grateful acknowledgement of many benefits that is given to any mankind. It is my honor to be thankful for Life, Children, Family, Friends and to the lord above.

Happy Thanksgiving!





IMG_2165Jeff Ochavillo (Reporter): I just want to wish all our GSPN supporters and fans a happy holidays! If it weren’t for all your support, we wouldn’t be able to accomplish our jobs and we are so grateful for all you have done for us.

I just want to thank my friends and family for the love and support they have been giving me throughout my life, and thank GSPN for giving me the opportunity to do what I love. I would especially like to thank God for giving the chance to live every single day and giving me the gifts to do his work here on earth.

And I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and happy holidays!

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