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By Robert Balajadia
Get all your up to the minute round-by-round action here with all the action PXC 45 as in store!
Vince Masga def. McKlane Alfred via unanimous decision
Round 1: Alfred uses high kick combo that Vince defends. Alfred tags Vince with a short flurry before taking him to the ground. Masga stands briefly only to visit the ground once more. Vince now in a clinch with Alfred against the cage. Masga corner calling for knees, Masga scores a double leg takedown, in full guard. Masga transitions to side control attempting a submission. Alfred defending well with Masga still controlling on top. Alfred attempting shots from the bottom while Masga tries to transition. Crowd calling for a stand up as neither fighter appears to advance. Masga transitions to full guard, landing shots that excite the crowd. Alfred tries to transition, Masga successfully defends and remains on top.
Round 2: Alfred opens with a wild flurry as Masga responds, dropping Alfred briefly with a tag from a hook. Alfred tries a takedown, Masga out muscles Alfred and instead scores a double leg takedown. Masga working from side control, back to full guard. Masga landing hits from full guard. Masga transitions for half guard, looking for a submission. Masga in full guard and defends a reversal from Alfred, fighters now in half guard. Masga landing shots from the top, exciting the crowd for what has been a ground fight. Fighters stand briefly as the bell rings.
Round 3: Alfred again tries a quick flurry takedown combo as Masga stuffs the takedown and wrestles Alfred to the canvas. Masga works his way to a full mount. Alfred gives up his back as he tries to escape, Masga attempts a rear naked choke, Alfred escapes. Alfred gets a reversal, but Masga transitions out of it to regain top position. Masga now working from the guard position trying to reestablish a mount. Masga landing shots from the top, Alfred trying to defend. Masga works his way into half guard. Masga landing shots from full guard as Alfred hurries to escape. Masga still controlling the action from full guard. Round ends with Alfred nearly getting a late hit penalty.
Scotty Eclavea def. Mike Sanchez via unanimous decision
Round 1: Mike tries leg kick that Scott dodges and tags him with a jab that drops Mike. Scott avoids damage from the up kicks from Mike as Scott then drags Mike to the ground. Mike grabs hold of Scotts arm, but from the bottom, but Scott escapes and gains side control. Mike utilizing his jiu-jitsu skills to defend in the guard. Scott throwing punches at Mike from the top. Mike finds Scotts arm and is attempting a submission. Scott escapes a dangerous hold, now in control landing shots from half guard. Sanchez taking hits from Scott as he attempts a submission. Mike defending in half guard as Scott tries to get the fight standing. Fighters then are stood up. Scott drops Mike with a hook as Mike responds with up kicks as soon as he hits the canvas. Scott working transitions as Mike looking for a submission.
Round 2: Mike uses leg kicks with a clinch to score points. Scott drops Mike with a solid leg kick. Sanchez using more up kicks to catch Scott, but Scott evades. Sanchez gets stood up. Fights exchanging leg kicks as Scott drops Sanchez once more. Sanchez tries to find submission work as Scott chases to him to the ground. Fighters stand up after a brief ground stint. Scott tags Mike with a straight, and scores a takedown immediately after. Mike gets a reversal from half guard into side control. Scott responds with a reversal. Mike working on Scott’s from the bottom. Sanchez trying to pry the arm of Scott free as Scott has now focused all attention in protecting his arm. Scott escapes a possible hold and the round ends with Scott in full guard.
Round 3: Both fighters score on leg kicks as Scott knocks Sanchez to the ground. Scott gabs hold of Sanchez’ leg on a kick to the body and punishes him with a counter, dropping Mike to the ground. Mike having most success on the ground once again looking for submissions as Scott successfully defends. Sanchez sneaks in a sneaky triangle as Scott hangs on for his life. Mike bring to pepper in shots to lock in the triangle deeper as Scott still showing life in his feet. Scott escapes the triangle and stands up. Mike falling to the ground after a kick to the body, Scott doesn’t follow. Mike scores a takedown in the round, but is on his back. Mike still looking for a submission. Scott grabs hold of Sanchez arm trying for a late arm bar, but Mike successfully defends as the round ends.
Hong Seung Chan def. Tyrone Jones via unanimous decision
Round 1: Chan tags Jones in the chin as both fighters wrestle to the ground. Chan working from the guard, using elbows. Jones trying to do damage from the bottom with punches. Fighters separate briefly with jones attempting up kicks. Jones looking for the leg of Chan but gives up his back in the process. Jones wrestles his way out of danger and works from the guard. Jones working from the half guard attempting elbows. Chan slips out and gains top control, landing a staple elbow. Chan working with staples to the chin of Jones. Round ends with both fighters trying to win the ground game.
Round 2: Fighters sizing each other up to begin the round. Jones swings wildly as Chan avoids damage. Jones presses Chan against the cage, Chan reverses and has Jones on the cage. Jones attempting to trip Chan, but Chan avoids the takedown. Brief stop in action as Chan takes a groin shot. Fight resumes as as Jones swings trying to tag Chan. Chan avoids the hits and wrestles Jones to the ground. Chan working in side control as Jones grabs Chan close to prevent striking. Both fighters continue to wrestle in for transitions. Round ends as neither fighter could break free.
Round 3: Jones opening up with leg kicks. After a brief size up, Jones throwing shots to Chan, ash Chans powers through the hits. Jones throwing hooks that can’t find Chan. Chan takedown Jones and gains his back. Jones trying to escape danger as Chan grabs tightly to the back of Jones. Chan trying to tire out Jones before working for a submission. Chan landing punches from the back as Jones tries to respond with elbows. Chan now trying to pry Jones open, but Jones successfully defends. Fighters transition into half guard as the round ends.
Darren Uyenoyama def. Shane Alvarez via Referee Stoppage (1st round)
Round 1: Alvarez opening with kicks to the body and leg. Darren eats a leg kick, but takes down Alvarez in the process. Darren in side control. Darren working on the arm of Alvarez, but Alvarez escapes a possible submission. Darren controlling the ground game with Shane trying to do damage from the bottom. Darren gains full mount landing staples to the head of Alvarez. Alvarez trying to defend as Darren pours down the shots from the top. Darren trying to flatten out Alvarez as he gains the back of Alvarez. Alvarez swings away escaping the rear naked, Darren regains the back and transitions to the full mount. Alvarez trying to escape as Darren lands more shots from the top. Alvarez bleeding out of his right ear as Darren peppers away nasty shots. Alvarez gets away momentarily as Darren regains control pounding Alvarez away to force the referee stoppage.
Brogan Walker def. Yoojin Jung via unanimous decision
Round 1: Jung neglecting to touch gloves. Walker immediately response with a clinch and knees to the body. Walker pressing Jung against the cage landing knees. Jung defending with knees as well. Jung and Walker wrestle to the ground, Walker stands the fight up immediately getting in more knees. Jung responds with a knee while being pressed on the cage. Walker lands a solid knee with an elbow from the clinch. Jung flips Walker around, pressing Walker against the cage. Walker nods her head in response from her corner instructions. Fighters separate, exchanging leg kicks. Walker lands a kick to the face, Jung powers through. Round ends as Walker presses Jung against he cage with more knees.
Round 2: Walker the aggressor, but takes a kick to the face. Walker lands a clean hook that separates the two ladies. After a brief exchange, both fighters revisit the cage with Walker controlling. Jung reverses, pressing Walker forcing the referee to ring both fighters to the center of the octagon. Walker beginning to show blood out of her nose. Walker lands a front kick that garners cheers from the crowd with both fighters working to the cage again. Jung bleeding from the nose as both fighters exchange shots in a flurry. Walker lands a head kick, Jung shows no damage from it. Walker now throwing leg kicks as Jung readies with a counter forcing Walker back. Walker clinches Jung as both fighters wrestle against the cage once more.
Round 3: Jung and Walker exchange jabs. Jung looking to connect on a counter. Jung lands a kick to the torso of Walker. Boeth fighters exchange leg kicks. Fighters sizing each other up. Walker lands a front kick as Jung goes in for a clinch against the cage. Fighters forced to resume in the center of the cage. Jung lands a straight right as Walker begins to clinch. Jung trying to take the fight to the ground as Walker lands an elbow from the cage clinch. Jung checks a body kick from Walker after ref brings girls to the center. Jung working for combinations as fighters work the clinch game. Walker landing knees in the clinch as Jung tries to escape. Both girls respond to the ending of the round as they exchange a combination.
Trevin Jones def. Toby Misech via unanimous decision
Round 1: Jones quick with a takedown attempt but Misech sprawls. Toby pressed against the cage, but lands a knee from the clinch. Fighters jockey for cage position with Jones trying to take Misech to the ground. Jones lands a knee from the clinch that hits the groin of Toby. Fight resumes oddly against the cage instead of the center of the ring. Misech throws Jones off briefly, Jones stands right back up to press Misech against the cage. Fight has not left the cage. Misech separates throwing jabs that are out of reach. Jones sprawls a takedown and lands a kick to the body. Jones lands a straight as Toby comes in and misses. Jones lands an uppercut that shows no damage. Misech the aggressor as Jones lands a hook. Misech lands a kick to the body while taking in a jab as the round ends.
Round 2: Jones working with kicks as Misech powers through. Misech starting to throw out combinations with Jones working to avoid. Misech the aggressor throwing a leg kick combo. Jones grabs hold of Misech pressing him to the cage as Jones lands another groin shot dropping Misech. Toby in obvious pain as referee deducts one point from Jones. Fight resumes with Jones landing a leg kick. Misech defends a kick to the body as he and Jones exchange a combination that excites the crowd. Jones attempts a takedown as Misech sprawls against the cage. Jones manages to wrestle Misech down, taking his back. Misech defending well from the shots of Jones. Jones trying to land shots from the top, working on a submission. Misech works his way to his feet as Jones still holds on. Jones wrestles with Misech against the cage to end the round.
Round 3: Jones lands an early leg kick to open the round. Misech responds with a leg kick of his own. Toby the aggressor forcing Jones to retreat against the cage. Misech finding success in leg kick combos. Misech still the aggressor with leg kicks and jabs. Jones lands a short jab leg kick combo. Jones shoots for a takedown but is sprawled by Misech. Crowd screaming for knees as Jones has Misech against the cage, Jones lands one. Fighters now exchanging knees in a slow cage fight. Fight ends with fighters in the cage.
Alex Volkanovski def. Kyle Reyes via unanimous decision
Round 1: Reyes opens with an inside leg kick. Alex wrestles Reyes to the cage and gains side control. Alex attempting staples as Reyes tries to transition out. Reyes gives up back after attempting a transition. Reyes gives up back briefly, Reyes flips Alex out and attempts a guillotine choke. Alex escapes and has Reyes pressed against the cage on the ground. Fighters back to their feet only to wrestle to the ground again. Reyes on top during a north south. Reyes transitions to side control, then to half guard. Reyes gets the foul mount as Alex gives up his back. Reyes attempts a rear naked choke as Alex slips out. Reyes putting on a jim jitsu display as Reyes attempts more chokes. Fighters get back to their feet as Alex scores on a takedown.
Round 2: Reyes throws feints as both fighters exchange briefly. Alex dodging Reyes flurry, wrestling Reyes to the ground against the cage. Alex working on the back of Reyes as Reyes escapes a choke. Reyes takes no damage from the strikes from the top of Alex. Alex transitions to the back of Reyes landing knees to the body. Reyes flips Alex in an arm bar attempt, but Alex defends and instead flips Boom on his back. Alex trying to land staple elbows as Reyes defends. Reyes bleeding rom the left eye and eating knees and shots from the back. Reyes trying to defend as Alex picks hi shots, scoring points from the back. Alex getting nearly coming away with a rear naked choke as Reyes escapes yet again. Round ends with ALex on top, landing hammer fists.
Round 3: Alex opens with a leg kick. Alex winning in the stand up exchange avoiding the hooks from Reyes. Reyes tries for a knee combo that grazes Alex. Alex grabs hold and brings Reyes to the ground. Staples landing from Alex to Reyes. Alex lands a solid shot from the top, still has Reyes on his back. Alex denying Reyes the chance to stand up, fighters work to full guard. Alex transitioning to the back as he has Reyes in side control. Reyes trying to throw Alex off of him. Reyes escapes the grappling as fighters throw combinations. Reyes working for a guillotine as Alex spins around to avoid the choke.
Kyle Aguon def. Rolando Dy by split decision *PXC bantamweight championship fight
Round 1: Dy throes a leg kick but misses. Aguon presses Dy against the cage and scores a takedown. Dy defending Aguon well as Kyle tries to transition from the guard. Aguon now in full guard of Dy. Aguon still trying to transition with Dy defending. Fighters now standing with Kyle pressing Dy against the cage. Fighters separate with Dy meeting Kyle at the center. Dy landing an inside leg kick. Both fighters taunt as Dy blocks a kick. Dy throws a flurry as Kyle dodges. Dy mixing it up with the punches, landing a font kick that backs up Kyle. Dy combination lands. Dy now the aggressor as Kyle respects the standup by backing away. Round ends with both fighters missing kicks and straights.
Round 1: Dy throws a leg kick but misses. Aguon presses Dy against the cage and scores a takedown. Dy defending Aguon well as Kyle tries to transition from the guard. Aguon now in full guard of Dy. Aguon still trying to transition with Dy defending. Fighters now standing with Kyle pressing Dy against the cage. Fighters separate with Dy meeting Kyle at the center. Dy landing an inside leg kick. Both fighters taunt as Dy blocks a kick. Dy throws a flurry as Kyle dodges. Dy mixing it up with the punches, landing a font kick that backs up Kyle. Dy combination lands. Dy now the aggressor as Kyle respects the standup by backing away.
Round 2: Dy throwing kicks as Kyle defends. Aguon lands a head kick with a short combination that catches Dy. Aguon pressing Dy against the cage as Dy starts to bleed from his right eye. Dy misses on a hook. Kyle evading damage from Dy. Kyle misses a front kick as Dy tags him with a leg kick. Both fighters working in the stand up, trying to find an opening. Dy and Kyle mix up for an exchange against the cage. Aguon smiles as he evades a shot from Dy. Dy working his straight lefts as Kyle dodges. Kyle catches the leg of Dy as Aguon presses Dy against the cage. Dy lands a kick to the body. Aguon tags Dy with a hook that drops him. Aguon teeing away as Dy welcomes the hits, landing a straight as Kyle comes in with the flurry. Dy pushes Aguon away as the round ends with both fighters swinging away.
Round 3: Dy lands a kick to the body to open the round. Aguon lands a left hook, but Dy evades more damage. Dy lands a quick left hook as Aguon dives in. Dy hook leg combo stumbles Kyle. Dy lands a knee to the body while escaping an Aguon combo. Dy now throwing hooks to the body and tags Aguon with a right hook. Aguon taking damage from the clinch, but escapes. Dy lands another hook as Aguon shakes it off. Aguon evades hooks from Dy but eats a head kick. Dy teeing off on Kyle for a moment. Dy lands an inside leg kick. Fighters showing fatigue with a late flurry attempt by Dy that misses.
Round 4: Aguon lands a straight left. Dy responds by tagging Kyle with a combination. Both fighters throw punches that miss as Dy and Aguon tangle up against the cage. Aguon trying for a takedown as Dy tries to defend, eventually dragging Dy to the ground. Aguon working from full guard as Dy stands back up. Aguon working for a takedown as Dy successfully defends. Aguon clearly exhausted as takes a deep breathe after the separation. Aguon shooting for takedowns as Dy escapes. Fighters pressed up against the cage with neither doing work out of exhaustion. Aguon beginning to bleed from the nose with both fighters on the cage to end the round.
Round 5: Dy lands a hook to open the round. Dy lands another hook. Kyle eats a left hook, but carries on. Aguon lands a combination as Dy doesn’t try to evade. DY lands a sweeping hook as Aguon shakes it off. Kyle landing straights, Dy standing and taking it. Aguon etas a hook as Dy takes damage from Aguon. Dy throws a body kick that lands. Dy shoots in for a combination. Fighters throwing kicks and punches that miss. Fight ends with fighters pressed against the cage.
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